PL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts | HPL |
1 | RENZE, John | Saint Michael CYOKS | 24.61 | 10 | 11 (1) |
2 | BOLCH, Luke | St. Peter | 24.67 | 8 | 11 (2) |
3 | MARCHESI, Beau | Nativity of Mary | 24.77 | 6 | 11 (3) |
4 | RICHLIN, Grady | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | 25.09 | 5 | 3 (1) |
5 | DUNSWORTH, Clark | St. Elizabeth | 25.25 | 4 | 11 (4) |
6 | WILEY, Henry | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | 25.81 | 3 | 1 (1) |
7 | COLE, Landon | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 25.82 | 2 | 11 (5) |
8 | OVERLEASE, Henry | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 26.05 | 1 | 11 (6) |
9 | KAUFMAN, Connor | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | 26.58 | 4 (1) | |
10 | LAFOND, Langston | St. Peter | 26.59 | 11 (7) | |
11 | WALSH, Quinn | St. Peter | 27.29 | 11 (8) | |
12 | MORTIMER, Drew | Holy Trinity CYOKS | 27.32 | 3 (2) | |
13 | FASCHING, Emmanuel | Ascension CYOKS | 27.74 | 5 (1) | |
14 | ARENA, John Richard | St. Therese Middle School | 27.85 | 10 (1) | |
15 | VROMAN, Cruz | Nativity of Mary | 27.93 | 10 (2) | |
16 | REYNOLDS, Mateo | St. Peter | 27.96 | 8 (1) | |
17 | WATSKEY, John | Saint Joseph CYOKS | 28.01 | 1 (2) | |
18 | PROUT, Hudson | St. Andrew Middle School | 28.02 | 10 (3) | |
19 | HOMANT, Jonathan | Saint Michael CYOKS | 28.08 | 5 (2) | |
20 | NIGRO, Benjamin | Saint Michael CYOKS | 28.12 | 10 (4) | |
21 | PALMER, Nicholas | Saint John the Evangelist | 28.17 | 3 (3) | |
22 | SORENSON, Vincent | Saint Michael CYOKS | 28.63 | 2 (1) | |
23 | BRANDT, Rhett | St. Therese Middle School | 28.65 | 10 (5) | |
24 | ENGLERT, Miles | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 28.92 | 10 (6) | |
25 | SHIPMAN, Patrick | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 28.95 | 2 (2) | |
26 | VIPOND, Kristian | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 29.03 | 2 (3) | |
27 | CARDADOR, Truman | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 29.24 | 6 (1) | |
28 | BOSCO, Joey | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 29.24 | 7 (1) | |
29 | GOMEZ, Parker | Saint Michael CYOKS | 29.27 | 5 (3) | |
30 | KOPP, Kyle | Ascension CYOKS | 29.53 | 4 (2) | |
31 | SCHEFFLER, Sam | Saint Joseph CYOKS | 29.83 | 2 (4) | |
32 | LAUDERDALE, Ellias | Notre Dame de Sion Middle School | 29.93 | 9 (1) | |
33 | MARTIN, Curran | St. Elizabeth | 30.00 | 3 (4) | |
34 | WOLF, Benjamin | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 30.03 | 1 (3) | |
35 | HOFFMAN, Charles | Ascension CYOKS | 30.06 | 5 (4) | |
36 | COUCH, Will | Saint Michael CYOKS | 30.09 | 9 (2) | |
37 | KRATOFIL, Jack | Ascension CYOKS | 30.35 | 4 (3) | |
38 | HOSKINS, Gavin | Presentation Middle School | 30.71 | 4 (4) | |
39 | HAHN, Henry | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 30.79 | 10 (7) | |
40 | HUGHES, Liam | Presentation Middle School | 30.86 | 9 (3) | |
41 | PARK, Breck | St. John LaLande | 30.93 | 8 (2) | |
42 | BRUNGARDT, Trenten | St. John LaLande | 31.10 | 6 (2) | |
43 | GIGLIONE, Peter | Saint Michael CYOKS | 31.26 | 9 (4) | |
44 | SICKELS, Jack | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 31.35 | 2 (5) | |
45 | PICKERT, Thomas | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | 31.38 | 3 (5) | |
46 | MULLER, Andrew | St. John LaLande | 31.48 | 8 (3) | |
47 | NICKSON, Thomas | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 31.63 | 9 (5) | |
48 | CALDWELL, Adrien | Saint Michael CYOKS | 31.73 | 6 (3) | |
49 | CALDWELL, Alexander | Saint Michael CYOKS | 31.99 | 6 (4) | |
50 | MARTIN, Emmett | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 32.61 | 8 (4) | |
51 | MURPHY, Collin | Saint Michael CYOKS | 32.77 | 3 (6) | |
52 | GORO, George | Nativity of Mary | 32.80 | 5 (5) | |
53 | RONAN, Charlie | Ascension CYOKS | 32.81 | 2 (6) | |
54 | CLEMENTS, Oliver | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 32.86 | 6 (5) | |
55 | PUTTHOFF, Adam | Saint Michael CYOKS | 32.94 | 9 (6) | |
56 | BLAND, Abram | Presentation Middle School | 33.02 | 8 (5) | |
57 | MARTENS, Max | Notre Dame de Sion Middle School | 33.10 | 4 (5) | |
58 | MILLIGAN, Robert | Notre Dame de Sion Middle School | 33.17 | 8 (6) | |
59 | ORNELAS, Adrian | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 33.28 | 3 (7) | |
60 | FARRELL, Kevin Brien | Saint Michael CYOKS | 33.34 | 5 (6) | |
61 | PANEK, Rob | St. Elizabeth | 33.51 | 7 (2) | |
62 | RYBOWICZ, Ben | Presentation Middle School | 33.83 | 7 (3) | |
63 | LIESMANN, Ethan | Saint Michael CYOKS | 34.53 | 7 (4) | |
64 | WILLIAMS, Logan | St. John LaLande | 34.69 | 7 (5) | |
65 | KELLY, Caden | St. Elizabeth | 34.87 | 4 (6) | |
66 | GIGLIONE, Philip | Saint Michael CYOKS | 34.91 | 9 (7) | |
67 | TOUJ, Egwor | St. Peter | 35.33 | 7 (6) | |
68 | WINKELER, John | Presentation Middle School | 35.88 | 7 (7) | |
69 | COX, Dalton | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 39.15 | 6 (6) | |
RODRIGUEZ, Carlos | Saint Agnes CYOKS | DNS | |||
SWITZER, Henry | Saint Michael CYOKS | DNS | |||
WALSH, Wesley | Saint Agnes CYOKS | DNS | |||
KRAMER, Sam | Oak Hill Middle School | DNS | |||
LOPEZ, Adan | Saint Agnes CYOKS | DNS | |||
HILLS, Brody | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | DNS | |||
GREGORY, Isaac | Good Shepherd CYOKS | DNS | |||
DURAN, Gabriel | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | DNS | |||
CIMINIERI, Oliver | Saint Michael CYOKS | DNS | |||
ROMINES, Spencer | Presentation Middle School | DNS | |||
SOMMER, Ryan | Presentation Middle School | DNS | |||
JUDGE, Edward | St. Elizabeth | DNS | |||
SHOEMAKER, Kaiden | St. Andrew Middle School | DNS | |||
SOLIZ, Gabriel | St. John LaLande | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | WILEY, Henry | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | 25.81 | 3 |
2 | WATSKEY, John | Saint Joseph CYOKS | 28.01 | |
3 | WOLF, Benjamin | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 30.03 | |
WALSH, Wesley | Saint Agnes CYOKS | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | SORENSON, Vincent | Saint Michael CYOKS | 28.63 | |
2 | SHIPMAN, Patrick | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 28.95 | |
3 | VIPOND, Kristian | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 29.03 | |
4 | SCHEFFLER, Sam | Saint Joseph CYOKS | 29.83 | |
5 | SICKELS, Jack | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 31.35 | |
6 | RONAN, Charlie | Ascension CYOKS | 32.81 | |
SWITZER, Henry | Saint Michael CYOKS | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | RICHLIN, Grady | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | 25.09 | 5 |
2 | MORTIMER, Drew | Holy Trinity CYOKS | 27.32 | |
3 | PALMER, Nicholas | Saint John the Evangelist | 28.17 | |
4 | MARTIN, Curran | St. Elizabeth | 30.00 | |
5 | PICKERT, Thomas | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | 31.38 | |
6 | MURPHY, Collin | Saint Michael CYOKS | 32.77 | |
7 | ORNELAS, Adrian | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 33.28 | |
RODRIGUEZ, Carlos | Saint Agnes CYOKS | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | KAUFMAN, Connor | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | 26.58 | |
2 | KOPP, Kyle | Ascension CYOKS | 29.53 | |
3 | KRATOFIL, Jack | Ascension CYOKS | 30.35 | |
4 | HOSKINS, Gavin | Presentation Middle School | 30.71 | |
5 | MARTENS, Max | Notre Dame de Sion Middle School | 33.10 | |
6 | KELLY, Caden | St. Elizabeth | 34.87 | |
KRAMER, Sam | Oak Hill Middle School | DNS | ||
LOPEZ, Adan | Saint Agnes CYOKS | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | FASCHING, Emmanuel | Ascension CYOKS | 27.74 | |
2 | HOMANT, Jonathan | Saint Michael CYOKS | 28.08 | |
3 | GOMEZ, Parker | Saint Michael CYOKS | 29.27 | |
4 | HOFFMAN, Charles | Ascension CYOKS | 30.06 | |
5 | GORO, George | Nativity of Mary | 32.80 | |
6 | FARRELL, Kevin Brien | Saint Michael CYOKS | 33.34 | |
HILLS, Brody | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | DNS | ||
GREGORY, Isaac | Good Shepherd CYOKS | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | CARDADOR, Truman | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 29.24 | |
2 | BRUNGARDT, Trenten | St. John LaLande | 31.10 | |
3 | CALDWELL, Adrien | Saint Michael CYOKS | 31.73 | |
4 | CALDWELL, Alexander | Saint Michael CYOKS | 31.99 | |
5 | CLEMENTS, Oliver | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 32.86 | |
6 | COX, Dalton | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 39.15 | |
DURAN, Gabriel | Prince Of Peace CYOKS | DNS | ||
CIMINIERI, Oliver | Saint Michael CYOKS | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | BOSCO, Joey | Good Shepherd CYOKS | 29.24 | |
2 | PANEK, Rob | St. Elizabeth | 33.51 | |
3 | RYBOWICZ, Ben | Presentation Middle School | 33.83 | |
4 | LIESMANN, Ethan | Saint Michael CYOKS | 34.53 | |
5 | WILLIAMS, Logan | St. John LaLande | 34.69 | |
6 | TOUJ, Egwor | St. Peter | 35.33 | |
7 | WINKELER, John | Presentation Middle School | 35.88 | |
ROMINES, Spencer | Presentation Middle School | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | REYNOLDS, Mateo | St. Peter | 27.96 | |
2 | PARK, Breck | St. John LaLande | 30.93 | |
3 | MULLER, Andrew | St. John LaLande | 31.48 | |
4 | MARTIN, Emmett | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 32.61 | |
5 | BLAND, Abram | Presentation Middle School | 33.02 | |
6 | MILLIGAN, Robert | Notre Dame de Sion Middle School | 33.17 | |
SOMMER, Ryan | Presentation Middle School | DNS | ||
JUDGE, Edward | St. Elizabeth | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | LAUDERDALE, Ellias | Notre Dame de Sion Middle School | 29.93 | |
2 | COUCH, Will | Saint Michael CYOKS | 30.09 | |
3 | HUGHES, Liam | Presentation Middle School | 30.86 | |
4 | GIGLIONE, Peter | Saint Michael CYOKS | 31.26 | |
5 | NICKSON, Thomas | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 31.63 | |
6 | PUTTHOFF, Adam | Saint Michael CYOKS | 32.94 | |
7 | GIGLIONE, Philip | Saint Michael CYOKS | 34.91 | |
SHOEMAKER, Kaiden | St. Andrew Middle School | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | ARENA, John Richard | St. Therese Middle School | 27.85 | |
2 | VROMAN, Cruz | Nativity of Mary | 27.93 | |
3 | PROUT, Hudson | St. Andrew Middle School | 28.02 | |
4 | NIGRO, Benjamin | Saint Michael CYOKS | 28.12 | |
5 | BRANDT, Rhett | St. Therese Middle School | 28.65 | |
6 | ENGLERT, Miles | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 28.92 | |
7 | HAHN, Henry | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 30.79 | |
SOLIZ, Gabriel | St. John LaLande | DNS |
HPL | Athlete | Team | Time | Pts |
1 | RENZE, John | Saint Michael CYOKS | 24.61 | 10 |
2 | BOLCH, Luke | St. Peter | 24.67 | 8 |
3 | MARCHESI, Beau | Nativity of Mary | 24.77 | 6 |
4 | DUNSWORTH, Clark | St. Elizabeth | 25.25 | 4 |
5 | COLE, Landon | Saint Agnes CYOKS | 25.82 | 2 |
6 | OVERLEASE, Henry | Cure Of Ars CYOKS | 26.05 | 1 |
7 | LAFOND, Langston | St. Peter | 26.59 | |
8 | WALSH, Quinn | St. Peter | 27.29 |