CYO1 Bishop Miege - Track AM 2024Roeland Park, KS

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#226 Girls 60 Meters (7th grade) Start List

Section 1 of 2

Lane Athlete Team
3 WILSON, Emily Good Shepherd CYOKS
4 RICHLIN, Finnley Prince Of Peace CYOKS
5 SKINNER, Lucy Prince Of Peace CYOKS
6 WURTENBERGER, Mary Prince Of Peace CYOKS

Section 2 of 2

Lane Athlete Team
1 BECKER, Ruby Good Shepherd CYOKS
2 HOCHBERG, Grace Prince Of Peace CYOKS
3 GORMAN, Josie Corpus Christi CYOKS
4 PAYNE, Layla Holy Rosary Wea CYOKS
5 COLGAN, Stella Saint Michael CYOKS
6 HARTTER, Emma Holy Rosary Wea CYOKS
7 LAURITSEN, Harper Saint Michael CYOKS
8 PIOTROWSKI, Sydney Saint Michael CYOKS