Manistique Regional 44_2 2018Manistique, MI

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#14 Men's 400 Meters Start List

Section 1 of 3

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
2 JOHNSON, Hendrick FR Gwinn 1:06.55
3 WALLACE, Jared SO Newberry 1:05.00
4 CAPPAERT, Trent FR Stephenson 1:03.94
5 BARSTOW, Ashton SO Stephenson 1:04.66
6 GREENE, Tylor FR Manistique 1:06.24

Section 2 of 3

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 GILROY, Josiah FR Manistique 1:03.24
2 PATRAW, Drew SO Ishpeming 1:02.00
3 LOVE, Mastin FR Gwinn 59.84
4 WALKER, Michael SO Ishpeming 58.40
5 BELONGA, Kenny SO St. Ignace 59.80
6 BARNHART, Nathan Gwinn 1:00.03
7 GREEN, Mitchell SO Manistique 1:03.00
8 JOHNSON, Teagan SO Stephenson 1:03.24

Section 3 of 3

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 HOLBROOK, Dakota JR St. Ignace 57.24
2 NALETTE, Richard JR Newberry 56.00
3 PRILLWITZ, Coulton JR Ishpeming 54.99
4 GLOVER, Montell JR Stephenson 51.61
5 SUNDBERG, Gavin JR Ishpeming 54.69
6 ANDERSEN, Schyler SO Manistique 55.64
7 CARLSON, David SR Newberry 56.90
8 MCCORMICK, Logan Newberry 58.00