Finn Pincus Invitational Salem, VA
1/21/2022 - 1/22/2022

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#28 Women's Pole Vault Start List

Progressions: 2.60, 2.75, 2.90, 3.05, 3.20, 3.35, 3.50, 3.65, 3.80, 3.95

@ Kerr-Cregger 3.81m Gracie Jaunch Jefferson Forest 2019

Lane # Athlete Yr. Team Seed Note
1 37 FRANKLIN, Kailee SO Eastern Mennonite 2.61m ODAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships
2 784 D'AMBROSIA, Ashley FR Washington and Lee 2.75m Bast-Cregger Invitational
3 113 KINNEY, Clare JR Roanoke 2.75m Bast-Cregger Invitational
4 355 KAUFMAN, Cora SR Lynchburg 3.05m VMI Team Challenge
5 301 GUERRA, Jillian JR Lynchburg 3.21m ODAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships
6 321 BOBST, Allison FR Lynchburg 3.36m ODAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships
7 779 JONES, Murfee JR Washington and Lee 3.41m ODAC Indoor Track & Field Championships
8 346 CASTO, Bailey JR Lynchburg 3.56m ODAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships