2019 LTAC Invitational4/23/2019

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#2 Men's 100 Meters (5th/6th) Results


PL Athlete Yr. Team Time HPL
BROOKS, Chase 4 Sacred Heart NT
JELINEK, Jacob 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
CONROY, Kevin 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
HIGGINS, James 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
KENNEDY, Patrick 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
FUOCO, Andrew 3 St. Nicholas NT
SWOOPE, Jaden 6 Alcott NT
HART, Andrew 5 St. Benedict Elementary NT
GOMEZ, Hamilton 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
JOHNSON, Ogooluwasubomi 4 Frances Xavier Warde NT
JUNKINS, Martin 6 Frances Xavier Warde NT
LOPEZ, Nicholas 6 Frances Xavier Warde NT
ANDREWS, Cameron 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
WATKINS, Aiden 5 Lycee Francais de Chicago NT
TONEY, Joseph 6 Frances Xavier Warde NT
PRESSMAN, Jarin 6 Francis W. Parker NT
FORREST, Jesse 6 North Shore Country Day NT
NGO, Vincent 5 Disney II NT
MCINTOSH- LOMBARDO, Sebastian 5 Chiaravalle Montessori NT
GRECO, Teo 6 St. Benedict Elementary NT
CARCANI, Martin 5 St. Nicholas NT
GUNDERSON, Connor 4 Frances Xavier Warde NT
ROZIER, Dominic 4 Frances Xavier Warde NT
JOBSON, Caleb 5 Chiaravalle Montessori NT
KRAKORA, Izak 5 Saint Clement NT
GUNDERSON, Alec 6 Frances Xavier Warde NT
VUJASIN, Felix 4 Frances Xavier Warde NT
KENNEY, Deegan 6 Disney II NT
BURRIS, Ian 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
SIMON, Sam 6 Francis W. Parker NT
SETTIMI, Charlie 6 North Shore Country Day NT
STOCK, Devin 6 Alcott NT
HOWARD, Daniel 5 Alcott NT
MURPHY, Aidan 4 Frances Xavier Warde NT
FITCHETT, Thomas 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
MCVICKER, Max 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
FRAZIER, Mason 4 Frances Xavier Warde NT
FRANCO, Owen 3 St. Nicholas NT
HATTEL, Michael 6 Saint Clement NT
JOHNSON, Romello 6 Disney II NT
SHREVE, Jack 6 North Shore Country Day NT
GERDERMAN, Griffin 6 North Shore Country Day NT
CHAUVET-MARTIN, Timothee 4 Lycee Francais de Chicago NT
GRAHAM, Marco 5 Queen of All Saints NT
PROVOST, Aydin 6 Frances Xavier Warde NT
DIXON, Tyler 6 Frances Xavier Warde NT
KOH, Gus 6 North Shore Country Day NT
ROSS, Colin 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
GRIFFIN, Malik 6 Francis W. Parker NT
MCKENDRICK, Ian 6 St Edward NT
COOK, Alexander 5 Frances Xavier Warde NT
ROARTY, Peter 6 St. Benedict Elementary NT
SCHULZE, Owen 4 Queen of All Saints NT
BLANCHARD, Danny 6 Queen of All Saints NT
FUOCO, Julian 5 St. Nicholas NT
DREES, Alex 6 St Edward NT
YIGZAW, Fidel 5 Sacred Heart NT
HUGE, Fred 5 St. Benedict Elementary NT
ARIOLA, Gino 6 Frances Xavier Warde NT
TROUT, Edward 5 St. Benedict Elementary NT
IGLESIAS, Eddie 6 St Edward NT
TROUT, Michael 5 St. Benedict Elementary NT
CARNEY, PJ 6 St Edward NT
DAVIS, Shaan 5 St Edward NT
HANNAH, Khalil 4 Frances Xavier Warde NT
RIECKELMAN, Austin 6 St. Benedict Elementary NT
CONNELLY, Kieran 4 Queen of All Saints NT
GUNDLACH, Wes 5 Queen of All Saints NT
NORTON, Joe 6 Sacred Heart NT
JAYATILAKE, Pallage 6 Chute NT
LOVELL, Patrick 5 Sacred Heart NT
PEARCE, Reed 5 Sacred Heart NT
VACEK, Brady 5 St. Benedict Elementary NT
MCCREERY, Liam 5 St. Benedict Elementary NT
CONTE, Santino 4 Queen of All Saints NT
GREEN, Romeyo 6 Chute NT
DIBLIK, Ryan 6 St Edward NT
DAVIS, Besant 6 St Edward NT
SCANTLEBURY, Dalton 6 Sacred Heart NT
GILLESPIE, Gregory Quinn 6 Sacred Heart NT
CHAN, Andrew 6 St Edward NT
ARNOLD III, Joseph 6 Sacred Heart NT
WONG, Tristan 5 St. Benedict Elementary NT

Finals Section: 1

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
JELINEK, Jacob 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
CONROY, Kevin 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
GERDERMAN, Griffin 6 North Shore Country DayNT

Finals Section: 2

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
HART, Andrew 5 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
KENNEDY, Patrick 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
FUOCO, Andrew 3 St. NicholasNT
SWOOPE, Jaden 6 AlcottNT
HIGGINS, James 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
GOMEZ, Hamilton 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
JOHNSON, Ogooluwasubomi 4 Frances Xavier WardeNT
JUNKINS, Martin 6 Frances Xavier WardeNT

Finals Section: 3

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
PRESSMAN, Jarin 6 Francis W. ParkerNT
ANDREWS, Cameron 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
WATKINS, Aiden 5 Lycee Francais de ChicagoNT
TONEY, Joseph 6 Frances Xavier WardeNT
LOPEZ, Nicholas 6 Frances Xavier WardeNT
FORREST, Jesse 6 North Shore Country DayNT
NGO, Vincent 5 Disney IINT
MCINTOSH- LOMBARDO, Sebastian 5 Chiaravalle MontessoriNT

Finals Section: 4

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
JOBSON, Caleb 5 Chiaravalle MontessoriNT
CARCANI, Martin 5 St. NicholasNT
GUNDERSON, Connor 4 Frances Xavier WardeNT
ROZIER, Dominic 4 Frances Xavier WardeNT
GRECO, Teo 6 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
KRAKORA, Izak 5 Saint ClementNT
GUNDERSON, Alec 6 Frances Xavier WardeNT
VUJASIN, Felix 4 Frances Xavier WardeNT

Finals Section: 5

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
STOCK, Devin 6 AlcottNT
BURRIS, Ian 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
SIMON, Sam 6 Francis W. ParkerNT
SETTIMI, Charlie 6 North Shore Country DayNT
KENNEY, Deegan 6 Disney IINT
HOWARD, Daniel 5 AlcottNT
MURPHY, Aidan 4 Frances Xavier WardeNT
FITCHETT, Thomas 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT

Finals Section: 6

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
HATTEL, Michael 6 Saint ClementNT
MCVICKER, Max 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
FRAZIER, Mason 4 Frances Xavier WardeNT
FRANCO, Owen 3 St. NicholasNT
BROOKS, Chase 4 Sacred HeartNT
JOHNSON, Romello 6 Disney IINT
SHREVE, Jack 6 North Shore Country DayNT
CHAUVET-MARTIN, Timothee 4 Lycee Francais de ChicagoNT

Finals Section: 7

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
ROSS, Colin 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT
PROVOST, Aydin 6 Frances Xavier WardeNT
DIXON, Tyler 6 Frances Xavier WardeNT
KOH, Gus 6 North Shore Country DayNT
GRAHAM, Marco 5 Queen of All SaintsNT
GRIFFIN, Malik 6 Francis W. ParkerNT
COOK, Alexander 5 Frances Xavier WardeNT

Finals Section: 8

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
DREES, Alex 6 St EdwardNT
SCHULZE, Owen 4 Queen of All SaintsNT
BLANCHARD, Danny 6 Queen of All SaintsNT
FUOCO, Julian 5 St. NicholasNT
ROARTY, Peter 6 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
YIGZAW, Fidel 5 Sacred HeartNT
HUGE, Fred 5 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
ARIOLA, Gino 6 Frances Xavier WardeNT

Finals Section: 9

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
DAVIS, Shaan 5 St EdwardNT
IGLESIAS, Eddie 6 St EdwardNT
TROUT, Michael 5 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
CARNEY, PJ 6 St EdwardNT
TROUT, Edward 5 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
HANNAH, Khalil 4 Frances Xavier WardeNT
RIECKELMAN, Austin 6 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
CONNELLY, Kieran 4 Queen of All SaintsNT

Finals Section: 10

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
PEARCE, Reed 5 Sacred HeartNT
NORTON, Joe 6 Sacred HeartNT
JAYATILAKE, Pallage 6 ChuteNT
LOVELL, Patrick 5 Sacred HeartNT
GUNDLACH, Wes 5 Queen of All SaintsNT
VACEK, Brady 5 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
MCCREERY, Liam 5 St. Benedict ElementaryNT
CONTE, Santino 4 Queen of All SaintsNT

Finals Section: 11

HPL Athlete Yr. Team Time
GILLESPIE, Gregory Quinn 6 Sacred HeartNT
DIBLIK, Ryan 6 St EdwardNT
DAVIS, Besant 6 St EdwardNT
SCANTLEBURY, Dalton 6 Sacred HeartNT
GREEN, Romeyo 6 ChuteNT
CHAN, Andrew 6 St EdwardNT
ARNOLD III, Joseph 6 Sacred HeartNT
WONG, Tristan 5 St. Benedict ElementaryNT