nlac-meet-1-sghs_hytekAthletesWithEntries (1)Creedmoore, NC

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#9 Girls 1600 Meters Results


PL Athlete Team Time Pts
1 LONG, Anna Durham School of the Arts 6:20.80 6
2 WERLEY, Ella Durham School of the Arts 6:52.43 4
3 BARTLETT, Lily Durham School of the Arts 7:17.08 3
4 JOHNSON, La'Nautica Vance County High School 8:22.41 2

Finals Section: 1

HPL Athlete Team Time Pts
1 LONG, Anna Durham School of the Arts6:20.80 6
2 WERLEY, Ella Durham School of the Arts6:52.43 4
3 BARTLETT, Lily Durham School of the Arts7:17.08 3
4 JOHNSON, La'Nautica Vance County High School8:22.41 2