NSC Boys ChampionshipLake Zurich, IL

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#21 Boys 200 Meters (F/S) Start List

Section 1 of 2

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
2 WILSON, . SO Lincolnshire (Stevenson) NT
3 MCCOY, Rico FR Zion (Z.-Benton) NT
4 REYES, Misael SO Mundelein (H.S.) 30.44
5 KENARD, Azariah FR Zion (Z.-Benton) NT

Section 2 of 2

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 MCNEAL, Donovan FR Gurnee (Warren) 27.94
2 MOTHKUR, Sanjay FR Lake Zurich 25.33
3 LATTULIPE, Keegan SO Lincolnshire (Stevenson) 24.94
4 OGUFERE, Brume SO Lake Forest (H.S.) 24.64
5 ELREMAILY, Rani SO Lake Zurich 24.65
6 MANTZOROS, Niko SO Gurnee (Warren) 24.96
7 EL HALABI, Wael SO Lake Forest (H.S.) 25.74
8 KEATING, John SO Libertyville 30.24