2022-04-09 Prospect Boys Stogie RelaysMt. Prospect, IL

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#3 Boys 400 Meters Start List

Section 1 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
2 WILLIAMS, Jaedon SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
3 WADE, Owen FR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
4 SVIENTY, AJ SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
5 SKOOG, Jack FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
6 SMARDUCH, Gabe FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 VAETH, Cayden FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 WALKER, Dylan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 WILT, Henry FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 2 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 SIVULKA, Luke SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
2 SCHEER, Dylan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
3 RIEFKE, Bobby SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 PEABODY, Justin SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
5 PATHAK, Nishan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
6 PATHAK, Subham FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 RAY, Parker FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 ROGEL, Aramis SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 SEAMAN, Joseph FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 3 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 PATEL, Megh FR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
2 PALAZZOLO, Jack JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
3 MEILINGER, Jack FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 MATHEW, Ethan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
5 LUCERO GARCIA, Roman FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
6 MARKS, Charlie SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
7 MATHEW, Luke SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 OCAMPO-PUGH, Michael SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 PAPANICHOLAS, Joey FR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT

Section 4 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 LOH, Andy SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
2 LERTPRADIST, Bryant SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
3 KONSTANTINOV, Boyan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 KAKAREKO, Adrian JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
5 GROH, Ethan SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
6 JOHNSON, Matthew JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 KIM, Dougyoung SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 LASLAU, Brendan JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 LIFKA, Johnny SR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT

Section 5 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 GEISSENBERGER, Rob SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
2 FLYNN, Colin JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
3 ERICKSON, Jack FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 DELEON, Lorenzo SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
5 CHAVEZ, Nico SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
6 CHOI, Jon FR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
7 EASTER, Noah FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 FARDELLA, Joseph FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 GARDENER, Jaedon SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 6 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 CALHOUN, Jaylen SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
2 BUI, Jon FR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
3 BASHYAL, Kushal FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 ALEJOS, Jonathan FR Gurnee (Warren) 59:00.00
5 STYBURSKI, Robert JR Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:04.00
6 AIYENOWO, Jonathan FR Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:04.71
7 ALICEA, Nick SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 BEHLES, Kenny JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 BUNGO, Chomba SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 7 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 DEREZINSKI, Karol JR Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:03.00
2 THOMAS, Shane SR Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:02.00
3 CATALAN, RJ JR Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:02.00
4 ZHENG, Eric SO Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:00.00
5 HUK, Ben SO Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:00.00
6 ZEI, JT FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 1:00.00
7 DEGOMA, Keegan FR Barrington 1:00.20
8 SANTOS, Manny JR Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:02.00
9 MENDOZA, Fernando SO Wheeling 1:02.50

Section 8 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 HERNANDEZ, Andrew FR Des Plaines (Maine West) 1:00.00
2 FAHEY, Ryan FR Barrington 59.80
3 ROTH, Nathan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 59.47
4 PANDALEON, Sean SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 59.20
5 NABOR, Anthony JR Des Plaines (Maine West) 59.00
6 CARLUCCI, Nick FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 59.10
7 SIMIC, Dennis SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) 59.20
8 MITCHELL, Conor JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 59.50
9 SIDDIQUI, Rayaan JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 59.90

Section 9 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 ENGLISH, Chris SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 59.00
2 PREMPAS, Jason SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 58.80
3 JAMES, David SR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 58.50
4 WOJTASIK, James JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 58.40
5 YANG, Michael SO Gurnee (Warren) 58.00
6 LAWLOR, Declan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 58.20
7 WITTENBORN, Luke JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 58.46
8 SCHEER, Alexander FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 58.66
9 CALLAGHAN, Miguel SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 58.90

Section 10 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 PEDRAZA, Javetth JR Gurnee (Warren) 58.00
2 MORGADO, Yulien FR Des Plaines (Maine West) 58.00
3 SAHAKIAN, Ben SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 57.80
4 ZIMBRAKOS, Dimitri SR Des Plaines (Maine West) 57.61
5 GABRIONE, Will JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 57.20
6 GALLIANO, Antonio FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 57.50
7 CACCIABONDO, Alan SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 57.69
8 CABELL, Mekhi FR Gurnee (Warren) 58.00
9 MWAYA, Alex JR Gurnee (Warren) 58.00

Section 11 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 VENISNIK, John SR Gurnee (Warren) 57.00
2 MOORE, Antonio FR Gurnee (Warren) 57.00
3 DIVERSEY, Colin JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 57.00
4 CHARLIE, Connolly SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 56.70
5 NUMANI, Jon SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 56.35
6 LOBUE, Anthony SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 56.60
7 CONNOLLY, Charlie SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 56.70
8 DONNER, Cameron SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) 57.00
9 SAFFORD, Sean SR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 57.00

Section 12 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 LIM, Jose SO Gurnee (Warren) 56.20
2 WILSON, Ximir JR Gurnee (Warren) 56.00
3 FLORES, Victor JR Gurnee (Warren) 56.00
4 VARIANO, Fortis JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 55.80
5 ORLANDO, Xander FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 55.70
6 HALL, Luke JR Barrington 55.80
7 CURRY, Taylen JR Gurnee (Warren) 56.00
8 LIM, Eddie SO Gurnee (Warren) 56.00
9 KREMER, Erik JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 56.20

Section 13 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 WARDYNSKI, Lucas JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 55.53
2 KNEE, Charlie SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 55.49
3 OILER, Connor SR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 55.00
4 NAUGHTON, Liam SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) 55.00
5 PILGRIM, Zach SO Gurnee (Warren) 54.75
6 TUCHNER, Bryce SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 54.80
7 NISHIMURA, Aidan JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 55.00
8 RENNER, Michael SR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 55.00
9 HANSON, Mark JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 55.50

Section 14 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 MICHELS, Luke SR Des Plaines (Maine West) 54.71
2 BERMAN, Jack JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 54.00
3 ORLANDO, Aidan JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 53.80
4 CARTER, Elliot SR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 53.50
5 ALONSO, Froylan JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 53.20
6 SARKAR, Gavin SR Barrington 53.40
7 HOLTMEIER, Luke JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 53.80
8 WARD, Michael JR Barrington 53.90
9 GUAGLIARDO, Owen JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 54.00

Section 15 of 15

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 TURNER, Jaden JR Gurnee (Warren) 53.00
2 BEIHOFFER, Sean SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 52.60
3 DUFFIE, Jailen JR Gurnee (Warren) 52.50
4 RAITANO, Matt SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 51.90
5 BALENDA, Dominik JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 50.20
6 BELONGA, Joell JR Gurnee (Warren) 51.80
7 LEE, Connor SR Barrington 52.00
8 FARDELLA, Nic SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 52.50
9 CALLAHAN, Cassius JR Gurnee (Warren) 53.00