2022-04-04 Prospect Boys TriangularMt. Prospect, IL

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#11 Boys 200 Meters Start List

Section 1 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
2 YOON, Josh FR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
3 WILT, Henry FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 WALTZ, Joseph FR Rolling Meadows NT
5 VAETH, Cayden FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
6 WALKER, Dylan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 WILLIAMS, Jaedon SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 WOJTOWICZ, Mateusz SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 2 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 THOMAS, Jacob SR Rolling Meadows NT
2 SKOOG, Jack FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
3 SIDDIQUI, Rayaan JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 SEAMAN, Joseph FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
5 SCARIA, Jacob FR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
6 SCHEER, Alexander FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 SHAW, Arpit SO Rolling Meadows NT
8 SIVULKA, Luke SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 SMARDUCH, Gabe FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 3 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 SANCHEZ, Juan FR Rolling Meadows NT
2 ROTH, Nathan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
3 RAY, Parker FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 PEABODY, Justin SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
5 PATEL, Shubham SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
6 PATHAK, Subham FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 PREMPAS, Jason SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 ROGEL, Aramis SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 RUEFFER, Brett JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 4 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 PATEL, Aayush SO Rolling Meadows NT
2 PANDALEON, Sean SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
3 MOGA, Conor FR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
4 MCNEIL, Jadaine FR Rolling Meadows NT
5 MATHEW, Ethan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
6 MATHEW, Luke SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 MEILINGER, Jack FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 OCAMPO-PUGH, Michael SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 PASIKA, Luke SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 5 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 MATHEW, Alan JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
2 LUNDSTROM, Jacob JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
3 LAWLOR, Declan FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 KIRBY, Ethan SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
5 KIM, Asher JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
6 KIM, Dougyoung SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 KNEE, Charlie SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 LUCERO GARCIA, Roman FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 LYONS, Mav SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT

Section 6 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 JOHN, Jake SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT
2 HEIL, Tommy FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
3 GRZESKOWIAK, Max SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 FORD, Colin SO Rolling Meadows NT
5 FARDELLA, Joseph FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
6 FLYNN, Colin JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 GEORGE, Ryan SO Rolling Meadows NT
8 HANNON, Ryan SO Rolling Meadows NT
9 INGOLIA, Michael JR Rolling Meadows NT

Section 7 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 ERICKSON, Jack FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
2 CHERWIN, Gabe SO Rolling Meadows NT
3 CALLAGHAN, Miguel SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
4 BROOKS, Conor JR Rolling Meadows NT
5 ALLAIN, Zachary SO Rolling Meadows NT
6 BASHYAL, Kushal FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
7 BUNGO, Chomba SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
8 CHEHELAMIRANI, Chakad FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
9 CRAMER, Kyle SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) NT

Section 8 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 ALICEA, Nick SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) NT
2 KORKIS, Andy SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) 26.80
3 AVILA, A.C. SR Rolling Meadows 26.70
4 DIVERSEY, Colin JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 26.20
5 CACCIABONDO, Alan SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 26.10
6 CONNOLLY, Charlie SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 26.20
7 ZEI, JT FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 26.20
8 KORKIS, Alex SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) 26.80
9 VITTORE, Sam FR Rolling Meadows 26.80

Section 9 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 BUCHHOLZ, Jack JR Rolling Meadows 26.10
2 OLBERG, Ben JR Rolling Meadows 25.80
3 LOBUE, Anthony SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 25.50
4 RIEFKE, Bobby SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 25.50
5 JAMES, David SR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 25.20
6 COHEN, Seth SO Rolling Meadows 25.30
7 MITCHELL, Conor JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 25.50
8 GARDENER, Jaedon SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 25.80
9 CARLUCCI, Nick FR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 25.90

Section 10 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 IBE, Chuka JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 25.20
2 LASLAU, Brendan JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 25.00
3 UNTIEDT, Patrick SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) 24.90
4 KAKAREKO, Adrian JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 24.90
5 COX, James JR Rolling Meadows 24.70
6 HENDRICK, Tyshaun SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) 24.90
7 NUMANI, Jon SO Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 24.90
8 WOJTASIK, James JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 25.00
9 KREMER, Erik JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 25.00

Section 11 of 11

Lane Athlete Yr. Team Seed
1 GUAGLIARDO, Owen JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 24.50
2 WARDYNSKI, Lucas JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 24.40
3 HANSON, Mark JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 23.90
4 FARDELLA, Nic SR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 23.80
5 BALENDA, Dominik JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 22.90
6 HOLTMEIER, Luke JR Mt. Prospect (Prospect) 23.50
7 ALONSO, Froylan JR Arlington Heights (Hersey) 23.90
8 WASHINGTON, DJ SO Rolling Meadows 24.30
9 GROVE, Carson SO Arlington Heights (Hersey) 24.50